Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog Envy

So, I know I don't have to look at every blog out there.  But I really enjoy looking at them.  I just get so annoyed with all these blogs showing these picture perfect lives, with staged photos of everything from "what I'm wearing" to "this is what I whipped up for dinner last night".  I mean, come on!  I get it, these blogs are for people to get inspiration and so forth, but it is a little frustrating to see nothing but perfection.  Wouldn't it be enlightening to see a not-so-perfect life on your computer screen?  Like, if Liz Lemon wrote a blog.

Maybe I'm onto something...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Here we go!

Hello!  My name is Allison, and I'm in the middle of an existential not quite mid life crisis (sort of).  A bit of background for you:  I just recently moved to New York City and am still trying to find my footing, in short.  The long of it is that I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing with my life.  I've got two college degrees, a (fantastic) boyfriend, two cats and a dog, yet I feel like I have nothing that I'm truly proud of.  Maybe its societal pressure, maybe its familial pressure, or perhaps its all made up and I just think there is something missing.  What I do know is that one month before my 30th birthday I feel like I have miles and miles to go.  This blog is more or less acting as a journal for me (since I always seem to lose my journals), while I go through this process of finding that something that I am looking for.  I hope this will be a forum for me to experiment with ideas, find a calling, collect my thoughts, vent about everyday frustrations, etc etc.  Above all else, I just want a place all to myself that I can ramble on about whatever I want to, and maybe someone will see it and say, "hey, me too!"  For now, its just me, some wine, and my thoughts...